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Showing posts from August, 2017

A fine feathered fink, indeed! The PENGUIN!

By the time I hit college, I was of the belief that I was a true Aurora "aficionado"; that I had discovered all the kits they'd ever produced in the superhero and monster lines.  Hah. That turned out to be quite untrue, and the Penguin was the kit that started to bring that realization to light. When I first heard of it, probably sometime in the 80's, I thought it was just a rumor, or wishful thinking on the part of those who had wanted Aurora to keep on producing kits of the characters we craved.  Not so; proof finally came in the form of a "for sale" listing in a catalog from a seller of vintage kits (none of which I could ever afford).  He was a reputable dealer, so if it was listed, it existed.  After I saw that, I started to hunt down any information on the Penguin kit I could get, which (before the days of the internet) was not easy to do.  In fact, I don't think I ever SAW the actual kit until I saw a pic of it in a 1994 issue of Kit Builders